
More news from the H&H in Koeln

ケルンの手芸とホビーの展示会情報 続きです Here is the close-up of the Littel Prince wool edition. Admittedly not close enough... just for a first impression... 毛糸版「星の王子さま」にもう少し近づいて見たいと思います。 ちょっと見にくいです…

International Trade Fair for Handicraft and Hobby

手芸とホビーの国際トレードショー Last weekend (one week before Easter) there was the yearly exhibition on Handicraft and Hobby in a famous German city. 先週末、ドイツのある有名な街で、手芸とホビーの展示会が開催されました。 Everyone guessed…

Snow in Germany!!!

The spring greetings from last week turned into a snow-covered landscape overnight... at -2.4 degrees. Ohan and Larry are shivering too: 先週の春の便りから一転して突然の雪景色。気温は氷点下2.4度。 おはんとラリーも震えています。


飛行機を乗り継いで無事ドイツの実家に到着しました。 Ohan and Larry are already enjoying their favorite tree in Martina's family's garden. The snow drops are announcing spring season already. おはんとラリーはマルティナの実家の庭にあるお気に…

More weather from germany またまたドイツの天気のお話です。

Diamonds in the garden!? 庭にダイヤモンド? Unfortunately, these are only hailstones that came raining down yesterday afternoon all of a sudden! 残念ながら、これは昨日の午後突然降り出した“ひょう”です。

At last below 30 degrees!!! 少なくとも30度を下回りました。

Today it's much cooler, or let's say, just right in what concerns the temperature and we all went for a walk to visit the nearby horses. They all seem to have survived the heat okay. Here is one of them: 今日はずいぶん涼しくなりました。気…

Heat in Germany continues ドイツの暑さは続いています(T T)

For days the temperatures climb up to 38 degrees everyday!!! Ohan and Larry decided to go for a walk just to cool down a bit. Their first rest they took in a plum tree. unfortunately the plums are not yet ready to eat. このところ毎日38度超…

Green beans インゲン豆

Ohan likes to sit on top of the green beans! Chasing away birds? おはんはインゲン豆の一番高いところに座るのが好き見たいです。 かかしのつもり? Yesterday's harvest was this much! 昨日はこれだけ収穫できました。

Inline skates

インライン・ローラースケート Larry has enviously been watching German kids skating on the street for hours... ラリーくん、ドイツの子供たちが道でローラースケートをしているのを 羨ましそうに何時間も眺めていました。 Today we found him like thi…

Larry finally rescued

ラリーくん、助かったのね。。。 Ohan: Larry, are you okay? No bruises? No scratches? Larry: It hurts!! Everywhere! Ohan: Maybe eating raspberries helps... おはん:ラリーはん、大丈夫どすか?アザや擦傷、おまへんか? ラリー:全身傷だらけやっち…

Larry - back to his adventures?

ラリーくん、冒険生活に戻ったの? Larry, where are you?? Larry?? What? Caught up in spiny raspberry bushes! Let's try to get you out of there... ラリーくん、どこにいるの? どうしたの、トゲトゲのラズベリーの木に絡んじゃったの。。。 がんばっ…

Leftover photos from Berlin

ベルリンの思い出 So many fresh fruits! たくさんの新鮮な果物。 Too many fresh fruits? Enough to make apricot jam! たくさんというか多すぎるので、杏ジャムを作りました。

Finally in South Germany

遂に南ドイツへ Busy? Lazy? Sorry for the delay in updates.... Larry and Ohan were eager to find out whether their favorite tree was still standing in place... since their last visit in March the tree is called: Takochan-baum (=tree). Here …

Larry and Ohan in Berlin III

Yesterday Larry and Ohan went to visit 'Schloss Charlottenburg', one of the Berlin castles. 昨日、ラリーくんとおはんちゃんはシャーロッテンブルグ宮殿に出かけました。ベルリン市内にたくさんある城郭の中の一つです。 The park of the castle is fa…

Larry and Ohan in Berlin II

This is where Larry and Ohan live in Berlin. It's an old 'water tower' that was built in 1860 and then used for the Olympics as a water reservoir for the Olympic village. Now it is a protected building with appartments in it. ここがベルリ…

Bicycle tour through Berlin

ベルリン自転車ツアー Larry and Ohan are in Berlin! The bear is the symbol of this city. And throughout the town artistic bears can be found. Yesterday Larry and Ohan went with Martina on a bicycle tour. ラリーくんとおはんちゃんは今ベルリン…

In which German city are Larry and Ohan?

ラリーくんとおはんちゃん、ドイツの何処に??? Larry and Ohan have been spotted! Where are they? In the zoo?!? There is a bear for sure! あ、ラリーくんとおはんちゃん!!!ここはどこでしょう? 動物園???確かにクマがいます!クマが。。。 Hint …

Early summer in South Germany!

南ドイツの初夏 Now is a good season in Germany: no rainy season and many flowers in bloom! 今ドイツは雨期でもなく、たくさんの花が咲いてとてもいいシーズンです。 A photo of the garden you all know as it looked in March. 皆さんにご紹介した実…

Eco systems in Germany IV - ドイツの家庭のエコシステムについてIV

And the garbage is of course separated. Here is the part that can be made into fertilizer directly: The organic material is put in from top of the compost and after one year (more or less) a kind of soil comes out from below and can be spr…

Eco systems in GermanyII - ドイツの家庭のエコシステムについてII

A Takochan in a jigsaw puzzle? No, that’s firewood for periods when it’s not worthwhile to heat a whole house via the geothermal device (fall and spring) and as a source of super cozy warmth in winter. タコちゃん、ジグソーパズルの中に隠れ…

Eco systems in Germany - ドイツの家庭のエコシステムについて

Being involved in the chosing of a suitable space for the knit production in Kesennuma has made me think a lot about the fundamental functions of living/working space. One of the influences is the house of my family in Germany. Nothing spe…

Flower? Food? Green Takochans?

お花? 野菜? 緑のタコちゃん? Greetings again from the German garden. What? A new kind of Takochan? All green and with even more legs?? Or, it rather looks like Dandelion (タンポポ,), a flower - but in the kitchen, food? Yes, Germans (som…

絆 (bonds) between German and Kesennuma Children

ドイツと気仙沼の子供たちの絆 One more important event in Germany was the official handing over of the graduation album of Koharagi Junior High School kids to the German counterpart! A little brush up: in summer 2011 Romio Umemura (then 12)…

OPAL毛糸&小原木タコちゃん@ケルンの手芸・ホビー展示会 その二

Finally arriving at the Handicraft and Hobby exhibition and at Opal’s booth!! Larry! This way! ようやくケルンの手芸&ホビー展示会・オパール毛糸のブースに到着です。 コラッ!ラリー、どこ見てんの!? ちゃんと仕事しなさい!!! The most colorful of…

OPAL毛糸&小原木タコちゃん@ケルンの手芸・ホビー展示会 その一

3/24にちょっとだけ紹介させて頂いた、 ケルン市の手芸・ホビー展示会のお話をさせてください。 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/koharagi_takochan/20120326 タイムフレームくちゃぐちゃで、記事掲載が行き当たりばったりの為、 非常に流れがわかりにくいこと、お詫…

Opal factory in South Germany III

南ドイツのオパール毛糸工場 その3 昨日に続いてOpal毛糸の工場、Tutto GmbH直営小売店、店内の様子です。 This is how the shop look from the outside. The famous sock Wheel is the pride of the people in Hechingen. お店の外観はこんな感じになってま…

Opal factory in South Germany II

南ドイツのオパール毛糸工場 その2 (25日の続きです) Another step before the wool is being made into 100g balls. 毛糸が100gの玉になる、前段階の工程です。 And finally the wool reaches the shop. It is adjacent to the Tutto Factory and the la…

Opal factory in South Germany

南ドイツのオパール毛糸工場 Larry and Ohan went back to their very roots!! This is where the Tako material is being colored! The steam was filling the room! ラリーくんとおはんちゃん、彼らのルーツへと帰ってきました。 ここでタコちゃんたちの素…

Martina's mother and friends going back to Germany today

マルティナの母と友人達、今日ドイツへ帰っていきました Martina's mother Magda (left), Eva (see April 15th) and her mother Elizabeth (right) visited Kyoto for about 2 weeks. They had a good time, splendid weather (Sakura at it's best) 母、マ…

Flashback, Germany in March II

ドイツ回想録 その2 All the flowers shown today are surely not there any more, because so many days have passed since the pictures were taken. However, at that time it was a very exciting experience that we want to share with you! Here our …